White Page Articles
I enjoy writing about complicated subject matters of the hydraulic system and wording them in a way where the average, non-engineering person can read, understand, and learn from them. Writing these involves a lot of research, edits, drafts, and validation from experts in our engineering department. Below are two recent White Page articles I wrote for my counterparts and customers:
(1) Hydraulic Hose Sizing
As a hydraulic hose and fitting rep, I felt one of the most important (but not widely known) in the automotive aftermarket is just how much the hydraulic tube size affects the overall performance of the hydraulic system. I wanted to put together a white page article for my peers that simplifies this complicated subject matter to make it easy to understand and learn. This article was published in the Gates Newsletter, and shortly thereafter was published in two online magazines: Machine Design and Power and Motion (formally Hydraulics and Pneumatics).
Power and Motion released the article in their July/August 2021 print addition and was a featured article on the cover. The links to both websites are below:

(2) All About Threads
Threads on hydraulic couplings are not created equal; understanding basic thread information will help you more accurately identify hydraulic couplings. Gates offers both North American and BSP/Metric Thread Identification kits that are great resources that can be used to help identify coupling series and dash sizes, but deciphering the thread information on the kits can be confusing and overwhelming to the untrained eye. This article will give you a better understanding of: (1) the characteristics of threads, (2) the different thread standards, (3) how to measure threads, and (4) how to correctly utilize this information - in conjunction with Gates Thread ID kits - to help with identifying hydraulic couplings.